The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK (ICCIUK), is launching a training online programme in Hospitality and Hotel Management for people wishing to become skilled in the sector.
The course is aimed at supporting people with right to work in the UK (pre-settled/settled status/UK citizens/UK residents) who would like to deepen their knowledge in the sector or to re-train and have better chances in their future professional efforts.
Our students attend four intensive weeks of online lectures (classes are all in English) in several hospitality departments.
At the end of the course, students may have the opportunity to have a priority access to interviews with our hotel partners.
Requirement: pre-settled or settled status, UK residency, B2 English level
Price: £360
WHEN: 28th March 2022
WHERE: online
HOW LONG: 32 hours
SELECTIONS: until 23rd March 2022 (or when all the spaces will be filled)
Send the following application documents to
- application form
- Copy of document that attests your residency in UK (for example: bills, bank statements or last payslip.) or UK passport
- Code that attests your right to work in UK ( or UK passport
- CV in English with level of education, professional experience, languages;
- Cover letter in English describing why you want to participate to the course (max 2.500 characters)
We reserve the right to interview some candidates before accepting them to the course.
Payment is to be made in full before commencement of the course. Before make the payment please wait for the confirmation email by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK.
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer:
Sort Code 20-36-88
Account No 20509450
IBAN GB60 BUKB 2036 8820 5094 50
Once payment is received in full the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK will forward confirmation of your course reservation.
If a student can not make the booked course, the student must inform the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK by 5th March. If they do so, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK will agree to a refund of the course. After 5th March the fee is not refundable.
Where a student fails to notify the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK of their inability to attend their confirmed course no refunds will be issued.
If the course is cancelled for force majeure, the student will receive a full refund of the fee.
More info about the course in the brochure attached.
Thank you to our sponsors: