GreenTech Global Forum – Rome, 16/17 September

GreenTech Global Forum Roma

The first edition of the Greentech Global Forum will take place at the Gazometro in Rome (Via del Commercio, 9) on 16 and 17 September 2024. This initiative is the result of collaboration between the Lazio Region and Lazio Innova, with support from Unindustria and Assocamerestero. The event is also endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International […]

GreenTech Global Forum – Roma, 16 e 17 Settembre

GreenTech Global Forum Roma

Il Gazometro di Roma (Via del Commercio, 9) ospiterà la prima edizione del GreenTech Global Forum il 16 e 17 Settembre 2024. Questa iniziativa è frutto della collaborazione tra la Regione Lazio e Lazio Innova, con il supporto di Unindustria e Assocamerestero. L’evento gode inoltre del patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione […]

Made for Italy – Rappresentare l’Italia all’estero

La ICCIUK è lieta di promuovere Made for Italy, il lancio del nuovo corso della Matooro Academy, fondata da uno dei nostri soci e consiglieri Roberto Costa. La Matooro Academy formerà e supporterà i giovani stranieri che desiderano intraprendere una carriera nel settore dell’ospitalità. Grazie al suo corso intensivo di 3 mesi, gli studenti avranno […]

Made for Italy – Representing Italy abroad

The ICCIUK is delighted to promote Made for Italy, the launch of the new course of the Matooro Academy, founded by one of our members and councillors Roberto Costa. Matooro Academy will train and support young foreigners wishing to start their career in the hospitality sector. Thanks to its 3-month intense course, students will have the […]

Green Transition: sustainable transports for a better future

La Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito è lieta di organizzare, in collaborazione con le istituzioni italiane e britanniche, un’imperdibile conferenza dal titolo “Green Transition: sustainable transports for a better future”. La conferenza darà alle aziende partecipanti la possibilità di discutere del futuro della transizione ecologica nel settore dei trasporti, partecipando […]

Green Transition: sustainable transports for a better future

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK is delighted to organise in collaboration with the Italian and British institutions, an unmissable conference on “Green Transition: sustainable transports for a better future”. The conference will give companies the chance to discuss the future of green transition on the transport industry, attending an exclusive panel and developing cross-countries collaboration between […]

Making energy transition a reality: Italy-UK collaborations towards Net-Zero

La Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito è lieta di organizzare, in collaborazione con numerose istituzioni italiane, un’imperdibile conferenza dal titolo “Making energy transition a reality: Italy-UK collaborations towards Net-Zero”. L’evento, che avrà luogo l’8 novembre a Manchester, comprenderà una conferenza con la partecipazione di esperti e istituzioni, e una sessione […]

Making energy transition a reality: Italy-UK collaborations towards Net-Zero

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK is delighted to organise, in collaboration with the Italian institutions, an unmissable conference on “Making energy transition a reality: Italy-UK collaborations towards Net-Zero”. The conference will give companies the chance to discuss the future of energy transition, attending an exclusive panel and developing cross-countries collaboration between Italy and UK. Taking place […]

Opportunities for the Clean Energy Transition

In partnership with Bellavia Law Firm, The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK is delighted to invite you to:“Opportunities for the Clean Energy Transition” 26th October 20229:00 AM – 12:30 PM The New Club86 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2BB PROGRAMME Franc JamesCEO and Chairman Penn America Energy LLC and Fabrizio TrilliExecutive Vice […]

SMAU | Italy RestartsUP in London 2022

Meet the Made in Italy Innovation The ICCIUK is pleased to invite its members and friends to the third edition of Smau London, the leading event dedicated to innovation in Italy, organized in collaboration with ITA, the agency for the internationalization and promotion abroad of Italian companies, that will take place on May 26th at […]