Italian Design Day 2023. Sustainable Desires – Design Perspectives from Italy and the UK

We are pleased to invite you to the event “Sustainable Desires – Design Perspectives from Italy and the UK” organised for the VII edition of the Italian Design Day 2023 by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK – North West Office and the Consulate of Italy in Manchester.

The purpose is to strengthen the connotation of Italian Design as a distinctive element of the Italian Brand and to sustain opportunities for entry into and/or expansion on international markets for operators in the sector. The event takes place in the framework of the Italian Design Day – IDD 2023, an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation of Italy and its diplomatic network to foster the presence of Italian Design abroad.

The roundtable will discuss the Italian design experience and the synergies present between different sustainable perspectives on design both in Italy and in the UK.

The event will take place on Thursday 9th March 2023 6:30pm at the Benzie Building, Manchester School of Art, M15 6BR.


– 18:00: Guests arrival and registration of participants;

– 18:30: Institutional remarks:

  • Matteo Corradini, Consul of Italy in Manchester;

– 18:35: Panel:

  • Shelley McNulty – Head of the Department of Design, MMU School of Arts (moderator);
  • Giulia Sirigu – Head of North-West Office of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the United Kingdom;
  • Elisa Pasqual – Cofounder of Studio Folder;
  • Matthew Ousby – Allermuir;
  • Elizabeth Newell – Creative Concern;

– 19:15: Q & A;

– 19:30: Buffet;

Chair of the event: David Grimshaw – Deputy Head of Design, Manchester School of Art.

For any further information please email Dr Giulia Sirigu, Head of North-West Office:

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Benzie Building, Manchester School of Art, M15 6BR