International Business Roundtable

International Forum: the post-covid situation for Italian SMEs in the world.

Roundtable between Italian companies members of the CCIE London and Miami.

Wed, 5th May 2021 | 5pm BST


Presentation from the USA South-East perspective:

TOMMASO CARDANA, President, Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast

Presentation from the UK perspective:

ALESSANDRO BELLUZZO, President, Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK

Testimonials from the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK:

RICHARD GADESELLI, Vice President Global Corporate Communications, CNH Industrial NV

ALESSANDRO NERVEGNA, Regional Manager (UK&Ireland), Ferrero UK

Testimonials from the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce Southeast:

DANIA MACCAFERRI, CEO, Beghelli North America

MARCO ZAMBIANCHI, President, Technogym North America


Virtual event
5pm BST
Carolina Ghittino