Health & Wellbeing in the Next Normal

BSI, in partnership with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK presents:
Health & Wellbeing in the ‘next normal’
Friday 25 September, 10:00 (UK time) 

register here
This is the third and final in a three part series of webinars run for members of The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, to help prepare their organizations to return to work in the ‘next normal’. 
This webinar looks at our understanding around the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of your workforce, supporting them now and throughout the back to work process.
Recognising and managing the health and wellbeing of your people has never been so important. For many, simple activities such as travelling to work will present new concerns and challenges that organizations need to be both aware of and prepared for.  Kate Field will look at at some of the common issues affecting your team members and share best practice around managing and supporting people in these unusual times. Topics include;

  • Social distancing scenarios to consider
  • Risk assessment for those who may be vulnerable to COVID-19
  • Pros and cons of face masks and looking out for fake masks
  • Developing a good wellbeing strategy
  • The support available to organizations and employees


Virtual event
10:00 (UK time)
Carolina Gittino