BREXIT a year later

Thursday 24 February 2022 at 11am GMT | 12pm CET, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, the Italian Embassy in London, the ITA Italian Trade Agency – Brexit Desk will be hosting the webinar “Brexit, one year after – Budget and operational reflections for companies exporting to the United Kingdom”.


Institutional Session
S.E. Raffaele Trombetta – Ambasciatore d’Italia a Londra
Giovanni Sacchi – Direttore Agenzia ICE Londra
Alessandro Belluzzo – Presidente Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito

Technical Session
Esportazioni: bilancio del primo anno del TCA e prospettive
Sara Armella – Avvocato – Studio Armella & Associati

Agri-food sector: LDH experience (La Doria)
Enzo Lamberti – Finance Director – LDH (La Doria) Ltd

Brexit seen from the Italian border perspective
Paola Paliano – Funzionario POER Ufficio Origine e Valore ADM

Aspects of protection in commercial relations and in judicial procedures following Brexit
Rocco Franco – Avvocato – Pini Franco LLP

UK business strategies after Brexit
Francesca Baiocchi – Senior Strategist at Chaucer – Bip Group

Moderator: Gabriella Migliore – Desk Brexit Londra

The event will be held in Italian.


Registration is free. To register please click on the green button below.

Virtual event
11am GMT | 12pm CET