85° edition Fiera del Levante

The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the United Kingdom is pleased to renew its participation to the 85th edition of the Fiera del Levante, Bari (Italy).

ICCIUK will be present with its own desk at the Congress Center dedicated to support services for the internationalization of Apulian SMEs and where it is possible to learn about the opportunities on the UK market through b2b meeting sessions.


-Country Desk UK: Room 1, Thursday 20 October (10.00-13.00 CEST)

-Country Desk UK: ROOM 1, Friday 21 October (14.00 -18.00 CEST)

-UK Country Presentation: Room 4, Friday 21 October (16.00-17.00 CEST)

Participation at the events is free upon registration on the website: https://www.regione.puglia.it/fiera2022

Bari (Italy)
20/10/2022 -
Lucrezia Chiapparino