Call4Circular x Greenthesis | Innovation for environmental services
In today’s global landscape, addressing environmental challenges is an essential priority. The transition to a circular economy offers a concrete response to issues related to the exploitation of natural resources and pollution. It promotes a regenerative economic model capable of reducing waste, extending product life cycles, and optimizing resource use. Call4Circular x Greenthesis | Innovation for Environmental […]
Call4Circular x Greenthesis | Innovation for environmental services
Nell’attuale scenario globale, l’urgenza di affrontare le sfide ambientali è un aspetto imprescindibile. La transizione verso un’economia circolare rappresenta una risposta concreta alle problematiche di sfruttamento delle risorse naturali e inquinamento, promuovendo un modello economico rigenerativo in grado di ridurre gli sprechi, prolungare il ciclo di vita dei prodotti e ottimizzare l’uso delle risorse. Call4Circular […]
Spedizioni Italia – Inghilterra post Brexit con 3 facili click
La Brexit ha portato numerosi cambiamenti nei rapporti commerciali tra l’Italia e il Regno Unito, complicando spesso il processo di spedizione di merci tra questi due paesi. Le nuove regolamentazioni doganali hanno reso le spedizioni internazionali più complesse e piene di sfide per chiunque desideri inviare pacchi, pallet o corrispondenza. Tuttavia, si pone come […]
Talented Young Italians and Keynes Sraffa Awards 2022
12 gennaio 2023 18:00 – 20:30 Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra Anche quest’anno, grazie al consolidato successo delle passate edizioni, la Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito – in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra, con il patrocinio di S.E. l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Inigo Lambertini e l’Associazione Talented Italians in the UK – […]
Talented Young Italians and Keynes Sraffa Awards 2022
12th January 2023 18:00 – 20:30 Italian Embassy in London This year as well, thanks to the consolidated success of past editions, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK – in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in London, with the patronage of H.E. the Italian Ambassador Inigo Lambertini and the Talented Italians […]
Call4Circular | Circular products & materials
Call4Circular | Circular products & materials The circular economy aims to put waste back into circulation, for the benefit of society and the environment, through models of reuse, maintenance, repair, reconstruction and recycling. Italy ranks among the first for the recycling of standard material flows (paper, plastic, glass, etc.) while expectations are very high as […]
Digital Marketing Course for Italian Unemployed or Furloughed Citizens Living in England
The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK (ICCIUK), is launching a professional Digital Marketing programme free of charge for up to 70 Italian citizens wishing to become skilled Digital Marketers. At the end of the course, candidates will be capable of building digital marketing strategies from scratch and of speaking with authority […]
Immediate Accelerator – Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center
IMMEDIATE è un open call per progetti nei settori dei media, comunicazione, intrattenimento e gamification, ideato e gestito da RS PRODUCTIONS e ROLLING STONE e supportato da Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center e H-FARM. L’iniziativa ha lo scopo di avviare un programma di scouting e accelerazione rivolto a startup e scaleup (già affermate come aziende) che […]
Immediate Accelerator – Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center
IMMEDIATE is an open call for projects within the fields of media, communications, entertainment and gamification, designed and managed by RS PRODUCTIONS and ROLLING STONE and supported by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and H-FARM. The Initiative has the purpose of launching a program of scouting and acceleration addressed to startups and scaleups (already established as companies) that offer consumer and business solutions. The best 20 teams will have access to a unique international […]
BioInItaly 2021: Investment Forum
Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center vi invita a BioInItaly 2021: Investment Forum l’8 Aprile alle 16.00 BST: 4:00 pm Opening remarksLuca Pagetti, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation CenterRiccardo Palmisano, AssobiotecGiulia Gregori, SpringStefano Nigro, ICE / Italian Trade Agency Introduction to the Arena MeetingModerated by Bill Barber, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center 4:30 pm PITCHING SESSIONS (5min PITCH + 3min […]