PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses

Considerando il diffondersi del coronavirus e come il pericolo riguardi tutti i posti di lavoro e tutte le attivita’, vi invitiamo a prendere attenta visione dell’ultimo comunicato del Governo britannico. Questo racchiude informazioni e linee guida di comportamento sul posto di lavoro e dettagli su come cercare sostegno per il proprio business. Per informazioni o […]

PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses

In light of the spread of coronavirus and considering how the situation is unfortunately affecting the safety of every working space and many businesses in the UK as well, we recommend you to read the press release attached.The British Government stated its latest guidelines on how to prevent the spread of respiratory infections and support […]